
Solcito BabyTron
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BabyTron is an analog and phase-distortion virtual synthesizer with step sequencer.It can be used to generate arpeggiated sounds, analog strings, bass, leads, pads and some acoustic emulations. BabyTron has a simplified architecture of just one of each traditional modules: oscillator, envelope, filter.

The modulations (including phase distortion) have no sophisticated algorithms, just there are direct modulations from several sources. In that manner, the user can build complex sounds using simple resources.
The step sequencer has 3 main sections. One is to modulate the tone of notes. Another is to modulate some parameters as described at Specifications. And another section is “Scenes”. There are 4 scenes. All tweaks made in most of the controls of the step Sequencer are themselves saved in the selected scene. Therefore the user has 4 versions of each preset, it means 4 sub-presets. The scenes can be used to make a lot of changes with one click, at recording or live performance.
BabyTron makes transparent or invisible the knobs that have no result in a given situation. For example, if the user selects “noise” in the oscillator, it will turn invisible the knobs “octave”, ”pulse”, ”phase”, etc. .That feature is called “Auto Hide”, and it facilitates the training and use of this synthesizer.

  • 1 oscillator
  • 1 envelope generator with independent modulation of: – tone, amplitude, filter cut, pulse width, tuning of phase distortion, amount of phase distortion
  • 1 filter with control of “Wide” (panoramic frequency distribution)
  • 1 LFO with just Triangle wave and a Synchronization pulsator with independent modulation of: – tone, amplitude, filter cut, pulse width, tuning of phase distortion, amount of phase distortion
  • 1 Step Modulator of 16 steps that includes: – 2 graphic screens – independent modulation of tone, amplitude, filter cut, pulse width, tuning of phase distortion, amount of phase distortion – 3 modes of envelope trigger – 4 scenes for each preset (means 4 subpresets)
  • “age”: provides vintage warmth
  • “boost”: manages the dynamics to give loudness
  • Auto Hide function: Like in any synthesizer, certain situations make any knobs have no action. Babytron hides them for easy handling.

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Solcito_BabyTron_1.0  ( 5.30 MB )


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