solo cythar sequenzer
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A pattern-oriented, polyphonic MIDI step-sequencer, which makes its own path. 16 parallel patterns with six tracks and 16 bars – equating to 256 bars & 96 tracks. The six pattern tracks imitate the strings of a guitar and will be tuned e.g. to “EAdgbe”. With some clicks you can set a guitar chord to the pattern tune – then by enabling a few events or triggers the sequencer will start a solo or plays with the chords. More offset-, mute functions and a tricky song mode will pep-up your set. With CYTHAR you can program drum sets, melodies, arpeggios and complete songs. If this is not enough try out Rebeca!

With the simple accessibility of all settings the user interface is designed for life and jam performances. The drag and drop features make CYTHAR to a powerful and fast editor. In future we want to release a specialized touchscreen version.

For now every CYTHAR Sequencer is still in development and only available as a beta version. In the download area you will find some downloads for Linux, Windows and Mac versions for different CPU architectures and different system distribution or drivers.

The file includes Windows and Mac versions.

YouTube Video

download win 32

CYTHAR-WinMac-Sequenzer  ( 33.4 MB )


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