eTAP2 Engineer
eTAP2 Engineer a free Vintage Tape/Disc Echo Emulator.
The VST module we present is a result of about 6 years experience in analyzing, developing and creating patches for various echo gear. From an engineering point of view, the objective was to emphasis on the already available vintage measurement libraries and applying the do- act-improve cycle to the design at hand as to maximum the possible performance possible.
The final approach taken is a dual approach. In many cases the guitar player is not interested in fine- tuning an echo device but would just like to select a recommended setting and play along with it. For this type of player the preset manager is loaded with a extensive set of pre-programmed patches ready to be used. In other cases where the guitar player requires matching the exact echo with the echo that was used to record the track from his/her favorite artist.
The eTAP Engineer VST module is the assigned module that fits this requirement as it allows customizing the various filter and timing characteristics in minute details.
The emphasis for eTAP is geared towards the vintage echo’s used by H.B. Marvin during the 1960- 1965 era. We believe “from the man himself” that the early recording are made without the Meazzi gear but with some sound- engineering tricks.
The eTAP VST modules are licensed under the Creative Commons “Attribution-ShareAlike” license.

eTAP2b001 ( 1.09 MB )