Plutonia is a fairly simple SF2 Synth including a selection of 256 waves.
- 2 oscillators with 256 sf2 based PCM waveforms each.
- Selection of built-in waveform from H.G. Fortune wavesets: AlioModularity, HGF Best of # 1 & # 2, Athmonia-a (complex waveforms generated from images), Seamless Textures (complex waveforms generated from images), HGF Retro Set.
- 24dB Lowpass filter with resonance per synth voice.
- Condensed Spook B fx.
- BassEnhancer to enhance low frequencies (works indenpendently from Color signal).
- BPM-synced delay.
- 2 ADSR envelope generators (one for Filter, one for VCA) for modulation.
- 4 LFO’s (including SLFO) and one Sample & Hold.

Plutonia ( 69.3 MB )