Prophanity, a freeware VST instrument which aims to clone the Prophet 5.
- Oscillator A: Frequency, Osc Waveform (Saw/Square), Pulse Width, Sync
- Oscillator B: Frequency, Fine, Osc Waveform (Saw/Triangle/Square), Pulse Width, Low Freq, Keyboard
- Mixer: Osc A, Osc B, Noise
- Poly-Mod: Sources – Filter envelope, Osc B; Desinations – Freq A, PW A, Filter
- Wheel-Mod: Source mix (LFO/Noise)
- LFO: Frequency, Waveform (Saw/Triangle/Square)
- Filter: Cutoff, Resonance, Envelope Amount, Keyboard, ADSR
- Amplifier: ADSR
- Volume, Velocity, Master Tune, A440, Glide

prophanityFE ( 1.95 MB )