Retro Boy

Retro Boy 2
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Retro Boy

Retro Boy is a virtual analog chiptune synthesizer, capable of creating sounds similar to popular retro gaming systems.
Chiptune or otherwise known as 8-bit music is music or sounds synthesized by the sound chip of computers, video game systems, and most handled gaming systems. Retro Boy features a single oscillator that has seven waveshapes: 12.5% pulse, 25% pulse, %50 pulse, saw, triangle, sine, and noise.
Due to the simplicity of the design, Retro Boy doesn’t have much of an impact on the CPU. This is mostly because it’s single oscillator with 1 to 4 voice range, optimized modules, and lightweight HQ graphics.

  • Single oscillator with seven waveshapes: Pulse 1 (12.5%), Pulse 2 (25%), Pulse 3(50%), Saw, Triangle, Sine, Noise.
  • Volume, vibrato and decimation (to enhance the nostalgia), ADSR envelope, and voice control (1 to 4 voices).
  • Built to be a compact, bare-boned, chiptune synthesizer.
  • Low CPU usage, <1% on i5 processor.

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Retro-Boy  ( 2 MB )


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