Stoooner resynthesize percussion samples by performing a single frame FFT analysis for the length of the sample.
- Enhance: emphasises the preexistent spectral content (2 modes).
- Smear: changes the time (phase) information, for resynthesis or timestretching.
- Frequency Shift.
- Spectral Inversion.
- FFT low and high shelf filtering.
- Stereoisation / Restereoisation.
- Monophonic Bass.
The signal chain is richly accoutred with conventional functions:
- Downsampling to 32x.
- 6 interpolation modes.
- Bit reduction: 12, 8-1.
- Preamp section with envelope assign.
- 54 filter modes + bypass, 8 filter algorithms (4 zero delay feedback), lp, bp, hp, br, pk, punch, add harmonics.
- Morphing LFO (bias, shape, 2 rnd modes, host sync).
- Curve adjustible pitch and filter envelopes.
- Curve and shape ADSR amplifier.
- -5 to +7 possible octave range.
- Start Position/Reverse.
- Wide Parameterisation.
- Panning.
- Channel swap.
- Signal inversion.
stoooner ( 2.01 MB )