ULTRAkILLER is a hybrid synth using subtractive and/or additive synthesis.
It has 2 oscillators, each of which offers multiple forms of synthesis. They run through 2 independant multi-mode filters with multiple routing opportunities. 3 envelopes, 2 LFO and a modulation matrix make for almost endless possibilities.
Each oscillator gives a choice of 3 oscillator types:
- BASIC oscillator is just that with 7 waveform choices.
- UNISON oscillator has 11 waveforms and built-in Unison [low CPU use].
- SPECTRAL oscillator is a high quality additive oscillator.
- Unison mode with up to 7 voices.
- Oscillator Hard Sync.
- Two State-Variable Filters with complex stereo routing options and mixable Low-Pass, High-Pass, Band Pass and Band Reject filter modes.
- 2 x 6-stage Modulation Envelopes with looping and assignable interpolation modes.
- 2 x tempo-synced LFO.
- 2 x Randomators [accessed from Mod Matrix].
- Dedicated ADSR envelope for VCA stage.
- 2 separate overdrive stages, one per oscillator and one post-VCA.
- Built-in Gate effect.
- 8-slot Modulation Matrix.
- Full MIDI CC implementation.