X-Wheel of Fortune 6

X WOF 6 3
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X-Wheel of Fortune 6

X-Wheel of Fortune 6 is a versatile multi-part music system with inbuilt cell step control sequencer for creating tracks of various types of music like Ambient or even soundtracks.
Just set up certain basics and let the machine create variations for you as there are several inbuilt algorithms just for this purpose giving this machine it’s magic touch.
X-WoF 6 features a great variety of 262 inbuilt scales (Pentatonic, Hexatonic and Heptatonic) using harmonical scale steps for fairly easy composition or arrangement of tracks and even learn more about harmony in music. Additionally you might assign a dedicated – even experimental – User scale for each patch.
There are 10 inbuilt sound engines: two synthesizers for Pad parts, one for Bass, one for HiSq (high sequences), one for Athmo-loops (e.g. rain, waterflow, sonar, etc.) and OneShot sounds plus 5 percussion instruments. For overall interactive realtime control there are two XY SuperModulation pads plus one XY Master Control pad with the option to control the other two. Thus you have up to 28 different modulation destinations under the control of just one knob even with different polarities i.e. directions.

This is a complete new X-WoF with the major aim from the start to have everything built around the new cell step control sequencer which was intended to give best possible overview and versatility. It is called cell step control sequencer because in fact every step is a cell of variable play length in bars (from 1 to 8) plus options to set up different sub-tempo settings for Bass, HiSq, HiHat and Perc 3-5 part and assigning an Athmo or One Shot wave for every 2nd step with adjustable level and tuning.

You can determine harmonical scale steps to be used for each step independently to be played by the Pad parts and used as starting note for Bass and HiSq patterns. These scale steps are derived from the currently selected scale. For every 8 steps there is the option to set up a different base note to transpose the next 7 steps accordingly. Also you can determine step ranges to be played e.g. from step 5 to 12 or so.

Major differences between registered Pro (i.e. enhanced) and the free version:

  • Presets/patches: Pro = 64 / Free = 4 fully useable and 28 with additional voice overs at varying intervals during playback and forced switching of edit panels – anyway switching back to any other panel is possible;
  • Athmo/One shot Part: Pro 100 waves / Free = only 60 waves;
  • MIDI Out: Pro for all internally generated note events / in Free = not present;
  • MIDI In: Free only for MID CC while Pro offers MIDI In for playing notes and triggering of instruments thus might use the Pro version even as 4 part multi-timbral sound module with two 8-voice pad synths and two monophonic synths.

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XWOF-6  ( 39.5 MB )


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